Kunesh  Design


A colophon describes the methods, tools, and materials used to make a creative work. Traditionally, colophons were the ending flourish of a book. This is the colophon for kunesh.design.

Kunesh.design launched in 2021. This version of the site was produced and published fall 2023. Highlights of this version include new content, administrivia like this colophon, and important features (like an accessibility statement).


This site is hosted on Netlify. It is produced using 11ty, a blog-aware static site generator written in Node and Javascript. 11ty generates a static web site from text content stored in Nunjuk (.njk) files and a basic custom theme.


I am using Tailwindcss to produce modern CSS for the graphic design. Additionally, icons are Font Awesome and typefaces Big Shoulders (Chicago's municipal type family) and Public Sans (the US government's typeface) are provided by Google Fonts.


Images are my own unless otherwise noted. For many, I am still hunting for the photographer if not the copyright owner. If you note an improper or missing attribution, please contact me. Logos, copyrights and trademarks are mostly held by the organizations for whom I did the work.

This is a hand-built portfolio site producing using open source tools and free hosting, as God, Goddess, ur-mind, collective spirit or whatever intended.

Thanks for stopping by!
